Welcome to NateFegan.com!
Your One-Stop-Shop for Music Instruction
and More!
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Instruction is Available In Groups, In-Person and Online Via FaceTime, Zoom & Skype!
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Learn To Play Electric Guitar!
- Private Lessons for Beginner Through Advanced
- Join The Count Basie Blues Guitar Band (see below)
Fair Haven and Red Bank, NJ
Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar - For Beginners!
- Private Lessons for A Personalized Way To Learn
- Group Classes at Brookdale Community College
Fair Haven and Tinton Falls, NJ
Learn To Play Piano - Beginners!
Foundations for Piano w/ Nate Fegan
The story goes like this...
My wife Andreea is a master-level pianist, music director, and is a local instructor in Fair Haven, NJ for Classical and Pop piano.
She asked if I would provide beginner piano lessons for her first-time students so that she can remain focused on growing her momentum with intermediate and advancing students.
I said "yes" and now I am actively showing beginners how to build a strong musical foundation and how to have fun turning the basics into great music!
In the video, above, you are invited to hear my growing enthusiasm for what has quickly become one of my all-time favorite instruments!

Join The Count Basie Blues Band!
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Learn how to make music, rehearse and jam in a live band setting! All ability levels are invited to have fun learning, rehearsing and jamming with other musicians. Guitar players, harmonica players and horn players are invited to join the bandleader for five consecutive weeks of rehearsal as he sings and plays live on the "Hammond Organ" along with various drum and bass tracks - band members are welcome to sing as well. Learn how to play solos, generate rhythm section parts, use dynamics, unlock your creativity, and more with each session. Join just for fun, or join the band to grow the experience required to attend join local jam sessions, join a band or start your own musical project! Either way, this band experience is meant to be a fun way to learn, grow and make new friends!

I teach group classes at Brookdale Community College for Guitar as well as Practical Meditation-NLP-Hypnosis. Let me know if you are interested in learning more!